Wednesday 15 April 2009

At last....

Wrath of the Lich King has been out for 5 months now and finally they're taking the training wheels off. Today patch 3.1 is released to the realms for live play and REAL raiding can begin.

I'm in a guild that regularly raids all the heroic versions except EoE (Malygos) even though we're officially a "casual" raiding guild. Since finally completing Naxx 25 and battering our way through various achievements, all I've been hearing from the guys that joined The United Exiles with me is "I'm bored" or "This is too f&*^&%*g easy". Hopefully, today that ends.

The new patch contains (as far as I'm aware) 3 new raids, Ulduar and 2 further portals open by Sartharion. All 3 of these will have 10 and 25 man versions although this time, Ulduar at very least will have two DIFFERENT versions depending on whether you go 10 or 25 man.

I've heard all the hype, I've seen roughly how the dual-spec will work (thank god for 2 sets of epic gear!) and I've spotted the details of some of the funky new profession recipes/designs. At 7:50 this morning, I was phoned to say that I could download and instal the patch. By 8:02 it was done - I'd done all the pre-downloading I could up til I logged off last night - and then spent 20 minutes downloading all my new addons.

Then I had to go to work =/

3 hours to go and I'm actually excited about getting online to play for the first time in weeks with my main character. Will we wipe? Of course. Will we down ANY bosses? That remains to be seen.

Either way, tonight and the next few weeks will be fun filled, but very expensive and I just.can't.wait.

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