Tuesday 2 June 2009

Gotta love it....

Hey hey! Okay, so I've been terribly slack AGAIN on this and I really need to keep it up to date.

I've now moved all my alts over to Sword of Serenity seeing that most of my in game friends have left United Exiles. We're having great fun and most definitely making major progress through the raiding.

We're up to the second to last boss in Naxxramas (which we ARE going to down tonight!!), we're seriously considering trying Obsidian Sanctum (Sartharion) with "One drake up". Last night not being a normal raiding night, I decided to secretly invite the 10 best players in the guild to a fun run at Flame Leviathan in Ulduar - I knew we wouldn't manage to down any of the later bosses, the overall gear for the guild isn't up to it yet. I got to take 8 of the 10 people I initially invited and then had 2 added by request of the normal raid leader "because they're good and rarely get to raid"...... So, these two came into group ponced about for about 45 mins and then had to go in pretty swift succession while we hadn't even cleared all the trash leading up to the boss! Fortunately, by this time one of the two missing original invitees was on and joined us and I filled the last spot with another very reliable and skilled player from the guild.

We killed off the last of the trash with everyone learning their vehicles as we went along and finally got to Flame Leviathan.... oops. Forgot we didn't get to stop for tactics or repairs. Half the group was out of the boss's lock-down area which meant they couldn't take part in the fight. We had a quick practise just to show people what to expect when we went for it for real though. We even lasted a couple of minutes before complete death and destruction! Anyway.... attempt 1 (I don't count that first one as a real attempt) I ran through the tactics and explained as best I could how to do it. We piled in, one vehicle died *very* quickly because they didn't get out of FL's way and got hit by his 200k+ battering ram a few times. Despite that, we kept going and managed to get him down to 40% before we finally got wasted.

Hm.... analysis of what went well and what didn't time. The dpssers that get thrown up onto his turrets were getting pretty badly nuked down... so I swapped one of them for ME. My priest can self heal and do massive damage at the same time. OP? Maybe, but I don't care. He pwns.

Attempt 2: I jumped into Yvaine's Siege Engine and got flung straight at Leviathan. Much nukage later and a funky Achievement, he shuts down and goes into phase 2 (repair mode). We nuke his butt down, rinse and repeat and after only the third turret kill, I look round and BOOM he's dead! Yes, my "noob" guild full of people that haven't managed to clear Naxx 10 yet managed to down Flame Leviathan in half the attempts that a guild of "Uber" players, United Exiles, managed. Oh and we did it without using ventrilo too. Something UE are still trying to do....

So yeah, had a great run a couple of sweet items dropped and everyone was bouyant from the thrill of something completely new. Then, the GM sprung a little surprise on me..... Guild chat: "Please congratulate our newest Officer.... BANDROSH!"
We went off to Obsidian Sanctum for the first time in a few weeks and rapidly kicked ass all the way through it. More nice gear droppage and people had to start going (it WAS 11.30 UK time after all!)

So... will tonight come even close to yesterday? Unlikely, but with the right group we'll be on for another big step forward for the guild: Full naxx 10 completion. I know we can do it now and I can't wait to see it happen. Fingers crossed!

Tuesday 12 May 2009

A Catch-Up....

Hmm okay, so I've been slacking on this pretty much since I started it. If you know me, this won't be a massive surprise!

WoW: My focus has shifted quite a bit in WoW with the advent of Ulduar. My main character, Veritam has effectively been shut out of raids by the raid leader (mainly not being told when raids are happening, raids being run on the ONE day a week I can't be online) and rather than being an *expletive deleted* to the person who filled my place on the day(s) I missed, I've not stepped in and pushed them out.

Of course, this means I've missed out on a lot of progression and gear but since being refused a place in Suffragium because none of the high end raiding guilds rate paladin tanks I've been caring less and less.... which leads me onto my focus shift.

I have another level 80 character, Bandrosh. Same server, same side. Up until the stitch job on my raiding, he was just a fun-to-play-when-I'm-bored character. Now as far as I'm concerned, he's my main. I've moved Bandrosh out of United Exiles and joined the guild that a really good friend of mine is in, Sword of Serenity.

Hmmm a few differences in the guilds. UE has been going for quite a long time and only invites 80s and allows one alt. SoS has been running about 2 months and allows anyone to join (in my view a far more sensible recruitment routine: it allows you to see people playing through the levels and gives a better sense of community). UE has completed all pre-ulduar content both 10 and 25 man. SoS is still struggling to complete 10 man naxxramas.

So, this has created an opportunity for me. Bandrosh dinged 80 only about 2 months ago and has already fluked some great gear. He's not completed naxx on 10 or 25, but I managed to dps my way into the uber books in VOA 25 on saturday, downing the new boss, Emalon the Stone watcher for the first time on either of my main characters!! I got some VERY nice PVP boots which were actually better than my PVE ones, so they're now my both-spec boots til I get better. He's got an average gear level in excess of 200, bearing in mind that in the 6+ months I've been in UE with Veritam, he only has an average gear level of 210ish raiding every week two-3 full raids.

I've joined SoS as a healer. I'm fine with that as I love to heal and quite frankly am very good at it. I'm outhealing all the other healers currently in the guild and have succeeded in passing on my fairly extensive knowledge of tactics for several bosses they hadn't managed to complete until my arrival (not blowing my own horn, they just didn't have the healing to get through some of the hardcore fights and are all very new to raiding so don't have the gear).

So far, we've now completed: The spider wing - which they'd already managed without me; The Construct wing - they'd managed Patchwerk, but no further. We've now cleared the other 3 bosses in only my second week in the guild, including the problem child that is THADDIUS... The Plague wing - I'm not sure that they'd done any of this, but may have done Noth the Plaguebringer once before. We blitzed our way through him with some very nice tanking and then moved onto everyone's favourite dancing partner, Heigan the Unclean. For those of you that don't know, Heigan is a stupidity/lag check. The fight itself is mostly controlled by the healers and disease cleansers. The bit that counts is phase 2, where Heigan teleports to a platform the ranged had all been standing on and then "THE SAFETY DANCE" begins. This is a really good picture of partway through the dance http://web.pdx.edu/%7Ejesset/Strat%20Pics/HeiganTran3.JPG the green stuff (Spooge as I like to call it!) moves across 4 zones on the floor forward and back for about 30 seconds and does nasty damage. If you're caught in it, you're either a retard or have lag (or to be fair to newbies, have never done it before - this reason becomes "retard" after your first 2 attempts). We passed Heigan, unbelieveably on only our 3rd try and then onto the last boss of the zone, Loatheb (which knowing the tactics is understandably an anagram of "Healbot", the most famous healing addon for WoW). Loatheb is a healing race, only being able to heal for 3 seconds in 20, while the raid is taking periodic damage. Nasty. Anyway, 2 priests healing Loatheb=WIN. 1st time there, 1 time killed!!

So far, we've not taken on the military wing, but I believe we're gonna have a crack at it after Sartharion and VOA tonight. If I'm not too lazy or busy tomorrow, I'll update on how it goes.

Hmm got a little caught up in my Naxx fighting there. Back to the point.... yes, I'm a damn good healer, but I've also now found that with a very nice Shadow spec and some half decent gear, I'm also a pretty good dps too! The highest dps in naxx 10 last week was about 2500 overall (for all fights together). In VOA 25, I got to go shadow... and did 3100. Now to be fair, there's only about 6 mobs in the entire place plus 2 boss fights. But still.... I love it!!!

Right, time for me to have a break so I'm gonna sign off for the day. Update "soon" =P

Thursday 16 April 2009

Ulduar, progress report

"Secrets of Ulduar" patch 3.1 was released to the live servers yesterday, with a new VoA boss and the opening of the Ulduar raid dungeon.... and OH so much more content!

I'll start with a brief rundown of the extras....

This is SOOOO good. All talents were wiped due to some major alterations to the talent trees, so everyone had to respec. Once this was done, I paid my 1000g for dual spec and set up my secondary spec. This is great for raiders who have good secondary gear (or epic like me =P) because with a click of a button and 5 second cast, I'm no longer a protection pally (6th on the server, I may add!).... I'm a HOLY pally! Only down side to this is that your mana is completely wiped out. If you have drink with you (and this is now essential - I'll explain later) it's no problem at all. You can choose which primary and secondary spec to have dependant on your class so it's opened up a whole realm of raiding possibilities, especially on raids like Naxx where on a lot of bosses you only need 1 tank. I'm not spending another 1k gold on my priest yet because he doesnt even have full epic for his main spec gear.... but once I've got some spare gold (a week or two I'd guess) I'll do it then for ease of questing.

A bugbear for me as a prot pally, my out of combat mp5 (mana per 5 seconds) was always poor, with my in combat mp5 being terrible but with the right attack chain, I rarely ran oom. With patch 3.1, Blizz have decided that Out of combat mp5 should be lowered. A lot. My OOC mp5 is now 1/3 of my previous value, so I *have* to drink in between combats. This slows me down quite a bit, because my primary attack is a real mana hog. In combat, they've kept the mp5 the same (I think!) but with the alteration of certain spells, I'm now struggling with mana in fights. Time will tell what effect this really has.

Oh.My.God. This is FUN! In the NE corner of Icecrown, you'll now find a partially built tourney area with all factions present, horde and alliance. There are a few starter quests, with five dailies as well, which you gain Silver Covenant rep for and tokens which you need to hand in to "level up" on the tournament chain. You're given a jousting lance and pointed to a horse to ride, then learn how to use it in some of the starter quests. For an achievement, you can then beat another player in a joust duel. I think I've figured out a good tactic so far, as I've already won 3/3 duels =) As this proceeds and I open up more of the content, I'll update. Seriously though.... it's FUN!

There's a new fishing daily in Dalaran (at last!) and various other bits and pieces of fun and enjoyment for all, something that seems to have been missing for a while from WoW.

And now for something not really completely different......
(Spoiler warning!)

First day of the patch and straight in!! My guild seemed to want to try for 25 man Ulduar, but with only 18 or 19 people on, it wasn't happening. SO, me and 7 friends, plus two other guild members tried for 10 man instead. After much faffing around getting everyone on my ventrilo server, we finally got inside and were gobsmacked by the sheer size of the place! You start in a neutral encampment, surrounded by vehicles: Motorbikes, Siege engines and Demolishers. After buffing up and discussing what we thought tactics probably were, we started the event. The defense shield protecting the encampment dropped and we all jumped on vehicles. You get 2 of each, with gun turrets on the bigger vehicles too.

Your first job on these is to annihilate the MASSIVE army of stone dwarves, giants, collosi and other varied nasties in the enormous area outside the camp. Being stupid and not really having paid enough attention, I got separated from the rest of the party and I got a LOT of damage. So, I bimbled (very slowly) on my siege engine back to the starting zone in the hopes there's be a repair place. No chance. I turned round to go back to the party, only to have a graphics bug and next thing I know find myself driving off the side of the cliff. Oops.

The rest of the group slowly got knocked down too and we eventually wiped. On trash. This didn't happen in the earlier raids, so we were quite shocked, but thought it was probably just getting used to the vehicles and what we could do with them.

We took down all the towers spawning the annoying non-elite adds and the various towers that buff the boss we were coming up to (if we'd left them, it would have been the "hard mode" that has been added to some bosses). There was a crash and the enormous gates at the end of the HUUUUUUUGE hallway burst apart, revealing the first of the Ulduar bosses: FLAME LEVIATHAN. Unlike every other boss I've come across, Flame leviathan is a TANK. A *MASSIVE* tank. We charged in and slowly wore him down while he was bashing the hell out of us with his nasty 100k+ attacks (the vehicles can take a lot of damage 1.4mill on the siege engine) and got him down to about 65%..... not bad for a first try.

Attempt number 2:
We got a little smarter this time and learned from our first failed attempt (Rawdy read a little more about the tactics). we took our vehicles down and realised we have to run away from the boss, but he also needs to be slowed using some of the abilities of the vehicles. Ran around, nuked like mad (still only stoped him once) and wiped on about 50%

Attempt number 3:
Oh yes, we tried again. Something many guilds aren't prepared for is that this is HARD. Expect wipage time and time again. It's not just "taking off the training wheels", it's being thrown in with the sharks with a blunt stick to kill them with. Saying that though, our uber group (gear doesn't matter on this fight unless you're dps - explanation later) learned our lessons well. We got the kiting of the boss sorted perfectly this time and the devastators launched their passengers at his turrets. This causes him to stop moving once they're nuked and you get 10 seconds to batter hell out of him before he restarts - with no speed buff. After much tactical running away and even more tactical nuking, we finally kicked his sorry metal ass. 2 drops, a cloth bracer and a plate bracer...... being the Main Tank, I got dibs on the plate bracers laughing all the way to the next boss with much cheering and back-patting.

This boss is without doubt the MOST FUN I've ever had in game. It's hard, but not so hard it's impossible but it really is so funny running around on the vehicles screaming that you're being chased!

Anyway.... off to the next boss. Ignous. From the name, you can probably figure out he's a firey mofo. To get to him, you have to kill several pairs of trash mobs which, you may think, is simple. Quack quack oops..... Trash needs tactics now. They have to be taken down in pairs, they have ridiculous hp and OMG do they hit hard. They also have some nasty little powers which can mess the group up if not prepared for it. After a few wipes on the trash, we finally got to ignous. rawdy called out the tactics we knew and we went for it. Boom. Wipe. OUCH.

He has a lot of nasty surprises in store which I won't divulge here because I want to make sure I know them all first =P

We figured some bits out but the healing was struggling to hold us up so wipe number 2 happened real quick after. We rezzed and went back in, but 2 of the group had to go so we spent a while trying to fill the gaps. No dice.

Oh well.... we've been in on day 1 and killed the same number of bosses that one of the biggest guilds on the realm (Nightfall) managed: 1. Tonight we'll be back in there kicking more ass because we've worked out more tactics for Ignous. Hopefully they'll work, but you never know. we may wipe over and over for weeks on the bosses in the first section, but we'll get it eventually.

I'm now sat at work and the only thing I can think about is getting home, logging on and enjoying my evening with friends. What more could you want?

Wednesday 15 April 2009

An introduction

Yes, I know I've already posted a blog today but I thought I'd best introduce myself too.

As you can probably guess from the blog title, I'm a World of Warcrack addict.

I've been playing for 18 months or so on the Moonglade EU server and have 10 alts of varying levels, from level 7 (alliance druid started for fun) to my two main alts: Veritam - Prot/Holy paladin and Bandrosh - Holy/Shadow priest. Both my mains are in "The United Exiles" guild, led by Eagle. We're a casual raiding guild although we raid every week at least one heroic.

When I'm not playing WoW, I enjoy D&D with my friend Chemlak and playing various FPS on PC and Xbox360.

At last....

Wrath of the Lich King has been out for 5 months now and finally they're taking the training wheels off. Today patch 3.1 is released to the realms for live play and REAL raiding can begin.

I'm in a guild that regularly raids all the heroic versions except EoE (Malygos) even though we're officially a "casual" raiding guild. Since finally completing Naxx 25 and battering our way through various achievements, all I've been hearing from the guys that joined The United Exiles with me is "I'm bored" or "This is too f&*^&%*g easy". Hopefully, today that ends.

The new patch contains (as far as I'm aware) 3 new raids, Ulduar and 2 further portals open by Sartharion. All 3 of these will have 10 and 25 man versions although this time, Ulduar at very least will have two DIFFERENT versions depending on whether you go 10 or 25 man.

I've heard all the hype, I've seen roughly how the dual-spec will work (thank god for 2 sets of epic gear!) and I've spotted the details of some of the funky new profession recipes/designs. At 7:50 this morning, I was phoned to say that I could download and instal the patch. By 8:02 it was done - I'd done all the pre-downloading I could up til I logged off last night - and then spent 20 minutes downloading all my new addons.

Then I had to go to work =/

3 hours to go and I'm actually excited about getting online to play for the first time in weeks with my main character. Will we wipe? Of course. Will we down ANY bosses? That remains to be seen.

Either way, tonight and the next few weeks will be fun filled, but very expensive and I just.can't.wait.